Entry in school

Kinel-Cherkassy School  1, Accredited

Blazon of the school



Strategic purpose of the school

The aim of school is to form successfull  student who poseses knowledges not below the level of obligatory minimum of the human values and ethical rates of the behavior, leading healthy way of life, person with active civil position, adapted to modern life.

The Mission of the educational centre.  

The Interaction and determination of economic mechanisms of educational centre with other educational institutions for the reason to partnership and solving  the general educational problems .

Activity of the educational centre must be directed on shaping the personalities of students, who are socially prepared to lifes in modern society, positively reacting on all  the changes, knowing how to realize their own creative possibilities and abilities, person with active civil position, leading healthy lifestyle.

Director of the school

The Director Zolotiychuk Oliga Nikolaevna

D.o.b.: November 30 1960г.

Information about education: High Educational institution: Kuybyshevskiy pedagogical institute

Category: The leader of high category

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